This spring marks the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan, when more than 86,000 Tibetans were slaughtered by Chinese troops. It also marks one year since protests swept across the Tibetan plateau in 2008, prompting a brutal crackdown. China's determination to avoid similar demonstrations has led to a worsening of the crisis in Tibet, which has been flooded with thousands of additional troops while journalists have been expelled in case of another bloody crackdown. The region is under de facto martial law, but this has failed to deter over 1,000 protesting in Tibet this March.
china doesn't recognize tibet as a nation, its'  just another teritory of china to them. tibet has normally peaceful protests and the situation has become worse because china refuses to allow journalists as mentioned brefore in the quote and the worlds vision of this conflict yes. conflict, as mentioned in the quote above yet agin, well china claims it was only twenty-two and this partictular web site i gained my information said it was 86,000 were slaughtered by chinese troops i don't think that is entirely accurate but i could be wrong.
but anyways why won't this farming nation just let tibet go?it really can't even farm the land is too barren to farm, so like the have for thousands of years along with being buddist monks, they herd cattle. it's really bad when the peace loveing monks get violent MONKS?!
 they're buddists,  buddists! they belive in ahimasa or something or other spelled very similar to that, anyways it means non-violence so what goverment could drive monks who carry around brooms to sweep the bugs off of their path so they don't  hurt them. what could do that? the only nice things china really does are, not tax them, provide 90% of their goverment, and provide a minimal of 500 troops to follow the dali laima around( who by the way has a nobel peace prize, beat that china!)   anyways...this is from an interesting design contest, combining the coke-a-cola sign(by the way that brings me to a lengthy anecdo), with a pro-tibet slogan there were may more just as good as this one but it poped out at me sorry


4/9/2009 12:17:09 pm

Actually I do know a little bit about it. I recommend you watch the movie, "Seven Years in Tibet". It has been a long time since I've seen it but I remember being astounded by it. The story of the monks and their belief in the power of peace is so profound.


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